Wednesday 8 June 2011

Just Lather Thats All

The story just lather thats all is about a man, in specific a barber, who is faced with the decision of killing a man or not. The Barbers name is unknown throughout, and the whole story centers around shaving capitan torres, an evil man who has killed many of the barbers freinds and family. The barber seems to have alot  of inner power imbalance in the story too. He seems like a very indecisive person with his decisions. "I could kill him right here..." the barber said at one point, he jumps from killing to not killing a couple of times. I couldn't see him picking a type of cereal to get at a store, rather killing a man. It's almost as if he has DPS(dual personality syndrome) okay, that may be pushing it.

Your probobly wondering why the barber has such a grudge against Capitan Torres, dont worry I have an answer for you. They dont exactly explain it in the story but it seems to me like hes a sort of vigalantie dicator. I think he probobly invaded the barbers town, and tried to take power. When people rebelled and tried to move torres out, he most likely took action and killed quite a few people unfortunately they dont explain this in the actual story, but this does lead the brain to some imagination at the start, potentialy changing the story for some people.

The real conflicts of the story really do add alot and for a two page story, this had alot of drama. I mean I could see the author easialy adding more to this short peice of work. but it isn't nessisary. The Captain in the story (ie. the man getting shaved) is usually very powerful and could easily kill the barber. But in this story in priticular, the barber has all the power, intresting contrast. The barber wants to kill him, you can tell throughout the story that he does. But he also doesn't want to ruin his proffesion, he had never cut a man in his shop, and going from that to killing could reallly ruin his buisiness.

Overall, this story was good, i liked the contrast of power and the deepness of the conflicts that can develop in such a short story. I would reccomend this story to anyone who likes short storys, if thats even possible. defanatly pick this one up.

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