Wednesday 8 June 2011

Review:Getting The Girl

Books, I don't like them, they are boring, long, and dont take much skill to use. Books are pretty much a waste of time, but what isnt now a days. I did though read a book for the first time in a while this week. Getting The Girl is a book about a kid, named Camoran. Cam is the biggest loser ever, there is no other way to put it, he can't talk to girls. He has no freinds outside of his family, and sucks at sports. Recently though his brother Rube, who is much cooler than him, got yet another girlfreind. At the start, Cam thinks he is just like every other girl Rube brings home. But he soon realized shes different, he takes a liking to her quickly and the book is mostly about their realsionship.

You may be thinking that this is just like every other love story ever, and guess what. your right. I couldn't agree more this book is so very predictable every page is cheesy. But who knows, lots of people are into that and why bother changing the formula if its working already? this book is a prime example of power imbalance, there are examples of it throughout the book. this is one of the reasons I like this so much.
Book Cover

Cam has an imbalance with almost every other charachter, his brothers, octavia (rubes girlfreind), and even his parents. I think the most promenent and most consistent in the book is in the relashonship between Cam and Octavia. You have to realize the whole story is told from cams point of veiw, so Cam may be over doing how amazing she is. But he makes her look pretty good. The biggest power imbalance is their communication, much of the diologue in their conversations comes from Octavia. at least the spoken part. I think that Cam thinks he doesnt deserve her maiking some of the situations very awkward.

If your into books, read this, its good for all ages and tells a great story. i'd have to reccomend this to almost anyone who likes weird storys, about weird people.

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